Washington DC (GMT-4)
Moon Phase:
Waxing Crescent
Lunar Day:
5rd lunar day until 11:46
6rd lunar day from 11:46
Zodiac Sign:
Scorpio until 00:37
Sagittarius from 00:37
Moon Illumination:
18% at noon
26 september 2025
Moonrise: 11:46 ↑
Moonset: 21:07 ↓
September 26, 2025 is a controversial day to cut hair according to the lunar calendar

Moon in Sagittarius

The Sagittarius Moon is typically viewed as a less ideal time for haircuts. This fiery and adventurous sign can bring a degree of unpredictability to hair styling, potentially resulting in uneven hair growth that can be difficult to tame. Additionally, Sagittarius' impulsive nature may lead to hasty decisions about haircuts that might later be regretted. If you must get a haircut during this lunar phase, it is wise to stick to minor trims or subtle changes rather than significant alterations.

6 Lunar Day

The sixth lunar day is characterized by the energy of insight and intuition, but it can also bring a degree of uncertainty in affairs and emotions. Its influence on haircuts is unclear. A haircut on this day might promote growth and rejuvenation, but it could also yield unforeseen outcomes based on your personal energy and current mood. It is advisable to pay attention to your inner feelings and opt for a haircut when you feel composed and assured. If you have reservations, it may be best to delay the haircut until a more suitable time.

Waxing Crescent

In the waxing crescent phase, haircuts become particularly beneficial as they can boost hair growth and improve its overall structure. If you desire lush, long strands, this is the best time to schedule your haircut. Furthermore, this phase is ideal for experimenting with different styles, since the quicker hair growth helps you quickly adjust anything you might not like.


Friday is the day of beauty and love, making it a perfect time for a haircut that can amplify your attractiveness and social relationships, according to the lunar hair cutting calendar. A new hairstyle on this Venus-influenced day not only updates your appearance but also increases your charm and ability to connect with others. It's an ideal moment for those desiring to make an impression or deepen relationships, as the day's energy enhances personal well-being and connection.

September 27, 2025 is a Controversial Day to Cut Your Hair