Washington DC (GMT-4)
Moon Phase:
New Moon в 22:54
Lunar Day:
28rd lunar day until 06:39
29rd lunar day from 06:39 до 22:54
1rd lunar day from 22:54
Zodiac Sign:
Virgo until 00:41
Libra from 00:41
Moon Illumination:
0% at noon
21 september 2025
Moonrise: 06:39 ↑
Moonset: 19:00 ↓
September 21, 2025 is one of the worst days to cut hair according to the lunar calendar

Moon in Libra

When the Moon is in Libra, it creates perfect conditions for a haircut aimed at enhancing both the appearance and structure of your hair. Governed by Venus, Libra focuses on harmony and beauty, facilitating aesthetically pleasing outcomes. A haircut during this period not only achieves an ideal balance of shape and style but also improves hair texture. As Libra is also linked to social events and public appearances, a new hairstyle can significantly boost your confidence and allure to others.

29 Lunar Day

The twenty-ninth lunar day is considered unfavorable for haircuts, as it can lead to weakened hair and deteriorated condition. It is best to avoid any changes in appearance on this day and focus instead on maintaining the health and strength of your hair. Rather than cutting your hair, it is recommended to pay attention to hair care by using nourishing and moisturizing masks to support its quality and beauty without negative consequences.

New Moon

In the new moon phase, as the moon renews its cycle, hair tends to be more affected by external influences. This period is often regarded as unsuitable for haircuts, as it could result in reduced hair growth, poorer hair health, and a loss of shine. Instead of opting for a haircut, focusing on hair care with enriching masks and gentle shampoos is recommended to keep the hair robust and ready for a more favorable cutting time.


The lunar hair cutting calendar designates Sunday as a less favorable day for haircuts, linking it with slower hair growth and reduced vitality. As Sunday is traditionally a day for reflection and preparation for the upcoming week, cutting hair can counteract this recuperative process. It's best to avoid dramatic hairstyle changes on this day, opting instead for restorative hair care practices and relaxation to nurture both your hair and spirit.

September 22, 2025 is One of the Best Days to Cut Your Hair