Washington DC (GMT-4)
Moon Phase:
New Moon в 21:50
Lunar Day:
29rd lunar day until 06:52
30rd lunar day from 06:52 до 21:50
1rd lunar day from 21:50
Zodiac Sign:
Moon Illumination:
0% at noon
2 october 2024
Moonrise: 06:52 ↑
Moonset: 18:45 ↓
October 2, 2024 is a bad day to cut hair according to the lunar calendar

Moon in Libra

When the Moon is in Libra, it creates perfect conditions for a haircut aimed at enhancing both the appearance and structure of your hair. Governed by Venus, Libra focuses on harmony and beauty, facilitating aesthetically pleasing outcomes. A haircut during this period not only achieves an ideal balance of shape and style but also improves hair texture. As Libra is also linked to social events and public appearances, a new hairstyle can significantly boost your confidence and allure to others.

30 Lunar Day

The thirtieth lunar day is also not recommended for haircuts due to the potential negative impact on hair growth and health. This day is often associated with endings and transitions, and cutting your hair might unintentionally lead to a loss of personal energy and a decline in overall well-being. During this period, it is better to focus on maintaining the current state and health of your hair, avoiding radical changes and striving for stability both externally and internally.

New Moon

During the new moon, as the lunar cycle recommences, your hair may be more exposed to harmful environmental influences. This phase is traditionally seen as a poor time to cut hair, as it could lead to slowed growth and diminished hair quality and shine. It's better to concentrate on hair care, applying nutrient-rich masks and using mild shampoos to keep your hair healthy until a more suitable time for a haircut.


Opt for a haircut on Wednesday to capitalize on the day's balanced and harmonious energy, as advised by the lunar hair cutting calendar. This mid-week change can refresh your style and maintain your aesthetic appeal, while also enhancing your inner equilibrium and concentration on ongoing projects. Additionally, it fosters stronger social bonds, which in turn can enrich your personal and professional relationships.

October 3, 2024 is One of the Best Days to Cut Your Hair