Washington DC (GMT-4)
Moon Phase:
Waning Crescent
Lunar Day:
22rd lunar day until 01:39
23rd lunar day from 01:39
Zodiac Sign:
Virgo until 14:20
Libra from 14:20
Moon Illumination:
38% at noon
24 november 2024
Moonrise: 01:39 ↑
Moonset: 14:36 ↓
November 24, 2024 is one of the worst days to cut hair according to the lunar calendar

Moon in Virgo

A Virgo Moon offers excellent prospects for those considering a haircut. Known for its association with precision and order, Virgo helps achieve hairstyles that are both neat and carefully planned. Hair cut during this period tends to be easier to style and maintains its shape for longer periods. Additionally, this is a great time to opt for haircuts that improve hair health, as Virgo aids in regeneration. Choosing styles that demand meticulous attention to detail can maximize the positive effects of this sign.

23 Lunar Day

The twenty-third lunar day is generally seen as inauspicious for haircuts, as it might result in weakened hair and poor condition. The energies on this day are prone to stagnation, which can reflect negatively on your physical and emotional well-being. It is advisable to avoid cutting your hair and instead concentrate on hair care routines such as nourishing treatments or soothing scalp massages to support hair health without the risk of negative consequences.

Waning Crescent

The balsamic moon, or old moon, is ideal for those looking to maintain their haircut's shape for a longer time. Haircuts during this phase won't be accompanied by rapid growth, making it perfect for trimming bangs or other hairstyle elements that benefit from long-lasting form. This phase is also suitable for preparing your hair for the new lunar cycle, allowing you to refresh your look without worrying about quick regrowth.


The lunar hair cutting calendar designates Sunday as a less favorable day for haircuts, linking it with slower hair growth and reduced vitality. As Sunday is traditionally a day for reflection and preparation for the upcoming week, cutting hair can counteract this recuperative process. It's best to avoid dramatic hairstyle changes on this day, opting instead for restorative hair care practices and relaxation to nurture both your hair and spirit.

November 25, 2024 is a Good Day to Cut Your Hair