Washington DC (GMT-4)
Moon Phase:
First Quarter в 16:53
Lunar Day:
7rd lunar day until 12:29
8rd lunar day from 12:29
Zodiac Sign:
Leo until 22:40
Virgo from 22:40
Moon Illumination:
48% at noon
4 may 2025
Moonset: 02:26 ↓
Moonrise: 12:29 ↑
May 4, 2025 is one of the worst days to cut hair according to the lunar calendar

Moon in Leo

When the Moon is in Leo, it's an excellent time to visit the hair salon, especially if you're looking to add some radiance and flair to your look. Leo, a fiery sign associated with strength and confidence, can aid in achieving superb results in hair strengthening and rejuvenation. A haircut during this period not only encourages rapid hair growth but also enhances thickness and shine. It's the perfect moment for daring experiments with bold and vibrant hairstyles that will highlight your individuality and capture the attention of others.

7 Lunar Day

The seventh lunar day is ideal for cutting hair, as it is believed to enhance vital energy and promote renewal. A haircut on this day can contribute not only to the improved growth and health of your hair but also to attracting positive changes in your personal life. This day is often associated with purity and the release from the past, making it a perfect time for the changes you wish to see in your life. Additionally, it is said that getting a haircut on the seventh lunar day can boost your mood and increase your energy levels.

First Quarter

During the first quarter moon, there is significant stress exerted on hair roots, which can cause them to weaken and shed more. Haircuts at this time might result in slowed hair growth or thinner hair. It is better to focus on fortifying the hair with treatments such as hair growth serums and scalp massages instead of cutting it.


The lunar hair cutting calendar designates Sunday as a less favorable day for haircuts, linking it with slower hair growth and reduced vitality. As Sunday is traditionally a day for reflection and preparation for the upcoming week, cutting hair can counteract this recuperative process. It's best to avoid dramatic hairstyle changes on this day, opting instead for restorative hair care practices and relaxation to nurture both your hair and spirit.

May 5, 2025 is One of the Best Days to Cut Your Hair