Washington DC (GMT-4)
Moon Phase:
New Moon в 06:04
Lunar Day:
29rd lunar day until 05:44
30rd lunar day from 05:44 до 06:04
1rd lunar day from 06:04
Zodiac Sign:
Gemini until 20:33
Cancer from 20:33
Moon Illumination:
0% at noon
27 may 2025
Moonrise: 05:44 ↑
Moonset: 21:42 ↓
May 27, 2025 is one of the worst days to cut hair according to the lunar calendar

Moon in Gemini

With the Moon in Gemini, haircuts can become a gamble, as this sign's fluctuating nature affects the predictability of hair styling results. Experiences may vary significantly, from exciting, innovative changes to disappointing, unexpected ones. On such days, it's best to proceed with caution. Consider making only slight modifications to your hairstyle, or better yet, postpone major changes for another time. If a makeover is unavoidable, it's crucial to carefully assess the style choices and understand the risks involved.

1 Lunar Day

The first lunar day marks the start of a new cycle and the renewal of energy. Despite its significance, this day is deemed unsuitable for altering one’s appearance, such as cutting hair. The belief is that hair trimmed on this day could grow more slowly or even fall out, due to the day’s energy being directed towards internal matters rather than external transformations. Additionally, a haircut on this day might result in deteriorating health or adverse changes in life. Therefore, it's advisable to dedicate this day to planning future hair care routines instead of executing them.

New Moon

During the new moon phase, when the moon begins its cycle anew, hair can be particularly susceptible to external influences. This period is considered unfavorable for haircuts as it may lead to slower hair growth, deterioration of hair quality, and loss of luster. Instead of altering your hairstyle, it is advisable to focus on hair care. Nutritive masks and gentle shampoos can support hair health, preparing it for a more auspicious time for cutting.


Harness the active energy of Tuesday with a strategic haircut, as suggested by the lunar hair cutting calendar. This day is known for awakening drive and determination, which can be mirrored in your personal style. A fresh haircut today boosts both your appearance and your inner energy levels, providing a double advantage as you pursue your goals and handle daily responsibilities.

May 28, 2025 is a Controversial Day to Cut Your Hair