Washington DC (GMT-4)
Moon Phase:
Waning Crescent
Lunar Day:
25rd lunar day until 05:05
26rd lunar day from 05:05
Zodiac Sign:
Aquarius until 22:32
Pisces from 22:32
Moon Illumination:
22% at noon
25 march 2025
Moonrise: 05:05 ↑
Moonset: 15:04 ↓
March 25, 2025 is a good day to cut hair according to the lunar calendar

Moon in Aquarius

When the Moon is in Aquarius, haircut results can be highly unpredictable. Aquarius, an air sign, embodies innovation, experimentation, and change, which can lead to both inspiring transformations and unexpected, less desirable changes in your appearance. During this period, it's crucial to be open to new ideas yet cautious to avoid choices that might lead to disappointment later. This is an opportune time for temporary changes, such as different styling techniques or temporary hair coloring, which can be easily reversed if necessary.

26 Lunar Day

The twenty-sixth lunar day is ideal for haircuts, as it brings the energy of renewal and growth. Cutting your hair on this day can not only accelerate hair growth but also significantly improve its quality and overall condition. This is a great time for those who wish to make positive changes in their lives and take advantage of the opportunity for both external and internal renewal.

Waning Crescent

The balsamic moon, or old moon, is ideal for those looking to maintain their haircut's shape for a longer time. Haircuts during this phase won't be accompanied by rapid growth, making it perfect for trimming bangs or other hairstyle elements that benefit from long-lasting form. This phase is also suitable for preparing your hair for the new lunar cycle, allowing you to refresh your look without worrying about quick regrowth.


Choose Tuesday for your next haircut to leverage the day's dynamic energy and forward momentum, as highlighted by the lunar hair cutting calendar. A cut on this day bolsters your determination and sharpens your will, which are reflected outwardly through your new look. Improving your appearance on a Tuesday helps sustain high energy levels internally, directly impacting your ability to tackle future tasks with enhanced effectiveness.

March 26, 2025 is a Controversial Day to Cut Your Hair