Washington DC (GMT-4)
Moon Phase:
New Moon в 22:12
Lunar Day:
28rd lunar day until 05:30
29rd lunar day from 05:30 до 22:12
1rd lunar day from 22:12
Zodiac Sign:
Moon Illumination:
0% at noon
24 july 2025
Moonrise: 05:30 ↑
Moonset: 20:47 ↓
July 24, 2025 is a bad day to cut hair according to the lunar calendar

Moon in Leo

A Leo Moon is the ideal time for a haircut, as Leo’s fiery energy brings strength and vivacity, perfect for revitalizing your hairstyle. Known for boosting confidence and exuberance, Leo can help your hair appear fuller and more lustrous. This period is optimal for trying out bold, eye-catching hairstyles that enhance your personal style and ensure you stand out in a crowd. If you're contemplating a dramatic change or simply want to add some sparkle to your look, now is the time to act.

29 Lunar Day

The twenty-ninth lunar day is seen as inauspicious for haircuts, as it might cause hair to weaken and its condition to worsen. On this day, it is advisable to avoid any changes in appearance and instead concentrate on preserving the health and strength of your hair. Instead of getting a haircut, focus on hair care with nourishing and hydrating masks to maintain hair quality and beauty without risking adverse effects.

New Moon

When the moon is new and restarting its cycle, hair is at its most sensitive to external factors. This time is seen as detrimental for getting a haircut because it might impede hair growth, worsen hair condition, and diminish shine. Opt instead for dedicated hair care; using nourishing masks and gentle shampoos will help preserve hair health and prepare it for a more favorable haircutting session.


Thursday is a day for broadening horizons and focusing on long-term objectives. According to the lunar hair cutting calendar, getting a haircut on this day not only improves your appearance but also attracts success in both your career and personal life. The energy of the day supports growth and development, making it an ideal time for experimenting with new hairstyles. Changes made on this day are believed to bring luck and assist in achieving ambitious goals.

July 25, 2025 is One of the Best Days to Cut Your Hair