Washington DC (GMT-4)
Moon Phase:
Waning Gibbous
Lunar Day:
21rd lunar day
Zodiac Sign:
Libra until 19:21
Scorpio from 19:21
Moon Illumination:
64% at noon
20 january 2025
Moonrise: 00:12 ↑
Moonset: 11:42 ↓
January 20, 2025 is a good day to cut hair according to the lunar calendar

Moon in Libra

When the Moon is in Libra, it creates perfect conditions for a haircut aimed at enhancing both the appearance and structure of your hair. Governed by Venus, Libra focuses on harmony and beauty, facilitating aesthetically pleasing outcomes. A haircut during this period not only achieves an ideal balance of shape and style but also improves hair texture. As Libra is also linked to social events and public appearances, a new hairstyle can significantly boost your confidence and allure to others.

21 Lunar Day

The twenty-first lunar day is ideal for cutting hair, thanks to its energies of cleansing and renewal. A haircut on this day can not only enhance the growth and health of your hair but also rejuvenate your personal energy. This is a time when changes in appearance can support positive shifts in your inner world and help you release old problems and burdens. Use this day to create a refreshed look that reflects your inner strength and desire for growth.

Waning Gibbous

The disseminating moon phase doesn't pose clear drawbacks for haircuts, but recognizing its unique features is crucial. Haircuts during this period might not encourage quick hair growth, which is beneficial for those wanting to extend the lifespan of their haircut's shape. This is particularly advantageous for trimming bangs, ensuring they remain at an ideal length and shape longer. Additionally, this phase is excellent for making small adjustments to hairstyles, ensuring the longevity of the desired look.


Monday is widely regarded as the day for fresh starts and new projects. According to the lunar hair cutting calendar, it's an auspicious day for a new haircut that can transform your image. A haircut on this day is believed to inject vitality and dynamism into your life, helping to clear out redundant energy and refresh your mindset. The moon's energy on Monday enhances hair growth and strength, ensuring that the benefits of your haircut are long-lasting and positively impactful.

January 21, 2025 is a Bad Day to Cut Your Hair