Washington DC (GMT-4)
Moon Phase:
New Moon в 03:46
Lunar Day:
29rd lunar day until 03:46
1rd lunar day from 03:46 до 08:07
2rd lunar day from 08:07
Zodiac Sign:
Pisces until 12:52
Aries from 12:52
Moon Illumination:
0% at noon
28 february 2025
Moonrise: 08:07 ↑
Moonset: 20:01 ↓
February 28, 2025 is a bad day to cut hair according to the lunar calendar

Moon in Pisces

Under the influence of the Pisces Moon, it is typically advised to postpone haircuts. Pisces, a deeply intuitive and sensitive water sign, can enhance emotional responses, potentially affecting your satisfaction with haircut results. Hair may be more fragile and vulnerable to damage at this time, and a haircut could further these issues. Also, Pisces' increased emotional sensitivity may lead to a more intense disappointment if the haircut falls short of expectations. Instead of cutting your hair, it is better to engage in gentle hair treatments that focus on moisturization and restoration.

2 Lunar Day

The second lunar day is favorable for haircuts, as it is thought to enhance hair growth and boost general health. Cutting hair on this day can also improve financial status and draw positive energy into your life. The energies of this day foster renewal and growth, making it perfect for trying new looks. A haircut on this day is advisable if you are looking for changes in life and are prepared to take on new challenges.

New Moon

During the new moon, as the lunar cycle recommences, your hair may be more exposed to harmful environmental influences. This phase is traditionally seen as a poor time to cut hair, as it could lead to slowed growth and diminished hair quality and shine. It's better to concentrate on hair care, applying nutrient-rich masks and using mild shampoos to keep your hair healthy until a more suitable time for a haircut.


Friday is the day of beauty and love, making it a perfect time for a haircut that can amplify your attractiveness and social relationships, according to the lunar hair cutting calendar. A new hairstyle on this Venus-influenced day not only updates your appearance but also increases your charm and ability to connect with others. It's an ideal moment for those desiring to make an impression or deepen relationships, as the day's energy enhances personal well-being and connection.

March 1, 2025 is a Controversial Day to Cut Your Hair