Washington DC (GMT-4)
Moon Phase:
Waning Crescent
Lunar Day:
25rd lunar day until 05:52
26rd lunar day from 05:52
Zodiac Sign:
Capricorn until 08:40
Aquarius from 08:40
Moon Illumination:
16% at noon
24 february 2025
Moonrise: 05:52 ↑
Moonset: 15:02 ↓
February 24, 2025 is a good day to cut hair according to the lunar calendar

Moon in Aquarius

The Aquarius Moon brings a sense of unpredictability to haircuts, reflecting the sign's affinity for innovation and experimentation. This can lead to both exciting and unexpected changes in your look. While this is a good time to explore new hairstyling ideas, careful consideration is necessary to avoid decisions that could end in dissatisfaction. Experimenting with temporary changes, like unique styles or temporary color treatments, is recommended as they provide an opportunity to try new looks without lasting effects.

26 Lunar Day

The twenty-sixth lunar day is perfect for haircuts, as it infuses the energy of renewal and growth. A haircut on this day can promote faster hair growth and greatly enhance hair quality and general condition. This day is well-suited for anyone looking to implement positive changes in their life and seize the chance for rejuvenation both in appearance and inner well-being.

Waning Crescent

During the balsamic moon, also known as the old moon, haircuts are ideal for those wanting to maintain their hairstyle's shape for an extended period. This phase is characterized by slower hair growth, making it perfect for keeping bangs and other specific hairstyle elements in their desired form. It’s also an excellent time to prepare your hair for the new lunar cycle, allowing for a refreshed look without the worry of quick regrowth.


Monday is widely regarded as the day for fresh starts and new projects. According to the lunar hair cutting calendar, it's an auspicious day for a new haircut that can transform your image. A haircut on this day is believed to inject vitality and dynamism into your life, helping to clear out redundant energy and refresh your mindset. The moon's energy on Monday enhances hair growth and strength, ensuring that the benefits of your haircut are long-lasting and positively impactful.

February 25, 2025 is a Good Day to Cut Your Hair