Washington DC (GMT-4)
Moon Phase:
Waning Gibbous
Lunar Day:
16rd lunar day until 21:00
17rd lunar day from 21:00
Zodiac Sign:
Virgo until 14:45
Libra from 14:45
Moon Illumination:
97% at noon
14 february 2025
Moonset: 09:04 ↓
Moonrise: 21:00 ↑
February 14, 2025 is a good day to cut hair according to the lunar calendar

Moon in Virgo

A Virgo Moon offers excellent prospects for those considering a haircut. Known for its association with precision and order, Virgo helps achieve hairstyles that are both neat and carefully planned. Hair cut during this period tends to be easier to style and maintains its shape for longer periods. Additionally, this is a great time to opt for haircuts that improve hair health, as Virgo aids in regeneration. Choosing styles that demand meticulous attention to detail can maximize the positive effects of this sign.

16 Lunar Day

The sixteenth lunar day is characterized by mixed energies, resulting in diverse outcomes for haircuts. This period of cosmic equilibrium calls for paying close attention to your personal sensations and intuition before deciding on changes in your appearance. Cutting your hair on this day could boost your internal state, but there is also the potential for unforeseen results due to fluctuating energy patterns. If you experience inner tension or doubt, it is advisable to delay the haircut until a more suitable time.

Waning Gibbous

During the disseminating moon phase, haircuts aren't explicitly unfavorable, though it's important to recognize the phase's characteristics. Hair growth may slow during this time, making it advantageous for those wanting to keep their haircut's shape longer. This is especially relevant for trimming bangs, which will retain their perfect length and form. Additionally, this period is ideal for minor adjustments to hairstyles, ensuring the results endure longer.


Friday, traditionally linked to love and beauty thanks to Venus's influence, is an ideal day for a haircut according to the lunar hair cutting calendar. A haircut on this day enhances your social appeal and attractiveness, making you more appealing to those around you. It's the perfect time for anyone looking to change their style to impress or improve relationships. The day's energy promotes harmony and well-being in personal interactions.

February 15, 2025 is a Controversial Day to Cut Your Hair