Washington DC (GMT-4)
Moon Phase:
Waning Crescent
Lunar Day:
22rd lunar day until 02:23
23rd lunar day from 02:23
Zodiac Sign:
Libra until 11:07
Scorpio from 11:07
Moon Illumination:
37% at noon
24 december 2024
Moonrise: 02:23 ↑
Moonset: 13:40 ↓
December 24, 2024 is a bad day to cut hair according to the lunar calendar

Moon in Scorpio

When the Moon occupies Scorpio, the results of haircuts can be ambiguous. Scorpio, known for its profound emotional depth and capacity for transformation, can result in either dramatic or unforeseen changes in your appearance. The potent energy of this water sign might enhance your emotional reaction to a new look, adding a layer of risk to major hairstyle changes. If you're considering a haircut during a Scorpio Moon, it's recommended to carefully deliberate and consult with your hairdresser about the expected results to mitigate any potential negative outcomes.

23 Lunar Day

The twenty-third lunar day is generally seen as inauspicious for haircuts, as it might result in weakened hair and poor condition. The energies on this day are prone to stagnation, which can reflect negatively on your physical and emotional well-being. It is advisable to avoid cutting your hair and instead concentrate on hair care routines such as nourishing treatments or soothing scalp massages to support hair health without the risk of negative consequences.

Waning Crescent

The balsamic moon phase, or the old moon, is perfect for those who want to keep their haircut in shape for an extended period. Cutting your hair during this time will result in slower regrowth, ideal for maintaining the form of bangs or other precise hairstyle elements. This phase is also an excellent time to prepare your hair for the new lunar cycle, allowing you to refresh your style without the worry of immediate regrowth.


Choose Tuesday for your next haircut to leverage the day's dynamic energy and forward momentum, as highlighted by the lunar hair cutting calendar. A cut on this day bolsters your determination and sharpens your will, which are reflected outwardly through your new look. Improving your appearance on a Tuesday helps sustain high energy levels internally, directly impacting your ability to tackle future tasks with enhanced effectiveness.

December 25, 2024 is a Controversial Day to Cut Your Hair