Washington DC (GMT-4)
Moon Phase:
Waning Gibbous
Lunar Day:
16rd lunar day until 20:08
17rd lunar day from 20:08
Zodiac Sign:
Cancer until 02:39
Leo from 02:39
Moon Illumination:
95% at noon
17 december 2024
Moonset: 10:43 ↓
Moonrise: 20:08 ↑
December 17, 2024 is a good day to cut hair according to the lunar calendar

Moon in Leo

When the Moon is in Leo, it's an excellent time to visit the hair salon, especially if you're looking to add some radiance and flair to your look. Leo, a fiery sign associated with strength and confidence, can aid in achieving superb results in hair strengthening and rejuvenation. A haircut during this period not only encourages rapid hair growth but also enhances thickness and shine. It's the perfect moment for daring experiments with bold and vibrant hairstyles that will highlight your individuality and capture the attention of others.

16 Lunar Day

The sixteenth lunar day encompasses mixed energies, which can lead to varied results when cutting hair. This is a time of cosmic balance, making it crucial to consider your personal feelings and intuition before making decisions about external changes. A haircut on this day might enhance your inner state, but there is also a risk of unpredictable outcomes influenced by the current energy flows. Therefore, if you feel internal tension or uncertainty, it is better to postpone the haircut to another day.

Waning Gibbous

The disseminating moon phase does not present clear disadvantages for haircuts, but understanding its nuances is essential. Haircuts in this phase might not lead to rapid hair growth, which is a plus for individuals looking to preserve their haircut's form for an extended duration. This is particularly beneficial for cutting bangs, ensuring they maintain their ideal length and shape longer. It is also an optimal time for minor hair adjustments, maximizing the longevity of the styling results.


Harness the active energy of Tuesday with a strategic haircut, as suggested by the lunar hair cutting calendar. This day is known for awakening drive and determination, which can be mirrored in your personal style. A fresh haircut today boosts both your appearance and your inner energy levels, providing a double advantage as you pursue your goals and handle daily responsibilities.

December 18, 2024 is a Controversial Day to Cut Your Hair