Washington DC (GMT-4)
Moon Phase:
New Moon в 14:14
Lunar Day:
29rd lunar day until 06:05
30rd lunar day from 06:05 до 14:14
1rd lunar day from 14:14
Zodiac Sign:
Moon Illumination:
0% at noon
4 august 2024
Moonrise: 06:05 ↑
Moonset: 20:47 ↓
August 4, 2024 is one of the worst days to cut hair according to the lunar calendar

Moon in Leo

A Leo Moon is the ideal time for a haircut, as Leo’s fiery energy brings strength and vivacity, perfect for revitalizing your hairstyle. Known for boosting confidence and exuberance, Leo can help your hair appear fuller and more lustrous. This period is optimal for trying out bold, eye-catching hairstyles that enhance your personal style and ensure you stand out in a crowd. If you're contemplating a dramatic change or simply want to add some sparkle to your look, now is the time to act.

30 Lunar Day

The thirtieth lunar day is considered unfavorable for haircuts because of the possible negative effects on hair growth and health. This day is frequently linked to closure and transition, and a haircut might inadvertently result in a loss of personal energy and a drop in overall well-being. It is advisable to focus on preserving the existing condition and health of your hair during this time, avoiding drastic changes and maintaining stability in both your appearance and inner life.

New Moon

During the new moon phase, when the moon begins its cycle anew, hair can be particularly susceptible to external influences. This period is considered unfavorable for haircuts as it may lead to slower hair growth, deterioration of hair quality, and loss of luster. Instead of altering your hairstyle, it is advisable to focus on hair care. Nutritive masks and gentle shampoos can support hair health, preparing it for a more auspicious time for cutting.


According to the lunar hair cutting calendar, Sunday carries adverse effects for hair styling and cutting. Engaging in a haircut on this day can interrupt the essential recovery phase that weekends symbolize, potentially leading to slower hair growth and diminished hair quality. Rather than opting for a haircut, it's recommended to use Sunday for deep hair conditioning and achieving mental and physical relaxation.

August 5, 2024 is One of the Best Days to Cut Your Hair