Washington DC (GMT-4)
Moon Phase:
First Quarter в 09:25
Lunar Day:
8rd lunar day until 14:58
9rd lunar day from 14:58
Zodiac Sign:
Moon Illumination:
51% at noon
31 august 2025
Moonrise: 14:58 ↑
Moonset: 23:52 ↓
August 31, 2025 is one of the worst days to cut hair according to the lunar calendar

Moon in Sagittarius

Under the influence of the Sagittarius Moon, haircuts can often lead to less desirable results. The enthusiastic and impulsive characteristics of Sagittarius may contribute to an unpredictable haircut experience, potentially causing hair to grow back unevenly and be harder to style. Furthermore, the sign's penchant for spontaneity can prompt decisions that might seem too bold in hindsight. If a haircut is unavoidable during this period, minimal adjustments are recommended to minimize potential regrets.

8 Lunar Day

The eighth lunar day is auspicious for haircuts, with its energies promoting active hair growth and strengthening. Cutting your hair on this day can enhance not only its appearance but also your general health, given that hair reflects your inner well-being. This day is also ideal for launching new ventures and initiatives, making changes in your appearance a symbolic start of a new chapter in your life.

First Quarter

During the first quarter moon, there is significant stress exerted on hair roots, which can cause them to weaken and shed more. Haircuts at this time might result in slowed hair growth or thinner hair. It is better to focus on fortifying the hair with treatments such as hair growth serums and scalp massages instead of cutting it.


Sunday is noted for its negative impact on haircuts in the lunar hair cutting calendar, making it a day to steer clear of making significant changes to your hair. Haircuts on this day might hinder your hair's ability to regenerate and grow, affecting your overall well-being. Instead, focus on hair treatment and relaxation activities that help maintain your hair's health and your personal energy levels.

September 1, 2025 is a Controversial Day to Cut Your Hair