Washington DC (GMT-4)
Moon Phase:
Waning Crescent
Lunar Day:
24rd lunar day
Zodiac Sign:
Moon Illumination:
29% at noon
28 august 2024
Moonrise: 00:47 ↑
Moonset: 16:50 ↓
August 28, 2024 is a bad day to cut hair according to the lunar calendar

Moon in Cancer

During a Cancer Moon, it's advised to avoid haircuts due to the heightened sensitivity of this water sign. Cancer's influence can render hair more vulnerable, leading to increased brittleness and unruliness, and potentially unpredictable results from haircuts. The emotional instability associated with Cancer can also affect decision-making processes regarding hairstyle changes. Opting for nourishing hair care routines, such as applying hydrating and repairing masks, is recommended over making any significant changes during this time.

24 Lunar Day

The twenty-fourth lunar day is characterized by mixed energies, leading to uncertain effects on haircuts. The outcomes can range from beneficial to adverse, based on personal situations and energy sensitivity. If you choose to cut your hair on this day, pay close attention to your mood and the environment. Some view this day as ideal for experimenting with new looks if you feel self-assured and open to changes, whereas others recommend steering clear of any modifications to your appearance.

Waning Crescent

The balsamic moon, often called the old moon, is beneficial for those who desire to maintain their haircut's form for a longer duration. Haircuts in this phase will not lead to rapid growth, making it an ideal time to trim bangs or other hairstyle components that require a lasting shape. This period is also perfect for getting your hair ready for the new lunar cycle, offering a chance to update your appearance without the stress of quick regrowth.


Opt for a haircut on Wednesday to capitalize on the day's balanced and harmonious energy, as advised by the lunar hair cutting calendar. This mid-week change can refresh your style and maintain your aesthetic appeal, while also enhancing your inner equilibrium and concentration on ongoing projects. Additionally, it fosters stronger social bonds, which in turn can enrich your personal and professional relationships.

August 29, 2024 is One of the Worst Days to Cut Your Hair