Washington DC (GMT-4)
Moon Phase:
Waxing Crescent
Lunar Day:
1rd lunar day until 07:49
2rd lunar day from 07:49
Zodiac Sign:
Virgo until 17:09
Libra from 17:09
Moon Illumination:
1% at noon
24 august 2025
Moonrise: 07:49 ↑
Moonset: 20:34 ↓
August 24, 2025 is a controversial day to cut hair according to the lunar calendar

Moon in Virgo

When the Moon is in Virgo, it heralds a propitious time for haircuts. Virgo, an earth sign, epitomizes order and meticulousness, facilitating the creation of neat, well-thought-out hairstyles. Hair trimmed during this phase is more manageable and retains its shape longer. This is also an ideal time for haircuts aimed at enhancing hair health, as Virgo supports regenerative processes. Opt for hairstyles that require precision and attention to detail to fully benefit from Virgo’s favorable influence.

2 Lunar Day

The second lunar day is auspicious for cutting hair, as it is believed to promote rapid hair growth and improve overall health. A haircut on this day can also lead to financial improvements and attract positive energy into your life. The energy of this day supports renewal and growth, making it an ideal time for experimenting with your appearance. It is recommended to cut your hair if you seek changes in life and are ready to embrace new challenges.

Waxing Crescent

During the waxing crescent phase, hair not only grows faster but also improves in texture and strength, making it an excellent time for a haircut. This phase is ideal for those seeking longer, healthier hair and for anyone wanting to experiment with their style, as quick hair growth allows for prompt adjustments to any new look.


On Sundays, the lunar hair cutting calendar advises against haircuts due to their detrimental effects on the natural rejuvenation process. This day, meant for winding down and preparing for the week ahead, can see negative impacts from haircuts such as reduced hair growth rate and vitality. Instead of altering your hairstyle, consider dedicating the day to nurturing your hair and relaxing, preserving your energy and hair health.

August 25, 2025 is a Good Day to Cut Your Hair