Washington DC (GMT-4)
Moon Phase:
Full Moon в 21:28
Lunar Day:
15rd lunar day until 20:16
16rd lunar day from 20:16
Zodiac Sign:
Aquarius until 01:52
Pisces from 01:52
Moon Illumination:
100% at noon
19 august 2024
Moonset: 05:57 ↓
Moonrise: 20:16 ↑
August 19, 2024 is one of the worst days to cut hair according to the lunar calendar

Moon in Pisces

When the Moon is in Pisces, it is often considered an unfavorable time for haircuts. Pisces, a water sign, heightens inner emotions and intuition, which can alter your perception and satisfaction with the haircut results. Hair may become weaker and more susceptible to damage during this period, and cutting it could exacerbate these issues. Furthermore, Pisces' increased emotional sensitivity might lead to deeper disappointment if the results do not meet expectations. Instead of opting for a haircut, it is recommended to focus on gentle hair care, favoring moisturizing and restorative treatments.

15 Lunar Day

The fifteenth lunar day is considered unfavorable for haircuts. Cutting your hair on this day can lead to slower growth, deterioration in hair quality, and overall health decline. This time is best for avoiding any changes in appearance, especially radical ones. Instead of cutting your hair, it is better to focus on hair care by applying nourishing masks or oils to strengthen and improve its condition. On the fifteenth lunar day, it is important to avoid stress and strive for inner harmony and tranquility.

Full Moon

During the full moon, there is an increased level of emotional and physical tension that can negatively impact the condition of your hair. Cutting hair in this phase might result in weaker, more brittle strands. Opt for relaxing activities like aromatherapy or spa treatments for your hair during this time to help reduce stress and preserve hair health.


Start your week by embracing change with a Monday haircut, as recommended by the lunar hair cutting calendar. This day is all about new beginnings and setting the stage for new endeavors. A fresh haircut on Monday helps remove old, stagnant energy and sparks a renewal in your thoughts and outlook. The moon's energy on this day particularly supports hair health, ensuring that your new style will maintain its appeal for a long time.

August 20, 2024 is a Bad Day to Cut Your Hair