Washington DC (GMT-4)
Moon Phase:
First Quarter в 18:19
Lunar Day:
8rd lunar day until 14:11
9rd lunar day from 14:11
Zodiac Sign:
Scorpio until 13:01
Sagittarius from 13:01
Moon Illumination:
48% at noon
12 august 2024
Moonrise: 14:11 ↑
Moonset: 23:52 ↓
August 12, 2024 is a bad day to cut hair according to the lunar calendar

Moon in Scorpio

The Scorpio Moon brings a level of uncertainty to haircuts, with potential for both profound and surprising modifications to your look. As a sign associated with deep transformation, Scorpio can intensify emotional reactions to physical changes. Given the volatile energy of Scorpio, it's particularly risky to make radical changes to your hairstyle during this time. If you choose to proceed with a haircut, ensure thorough communication with your stylist to clearly outline your expectations and reduce the risk of disappointment.

8 Lunar Day

The eighth lunar day is auspicious for haircuts, with its energies promoting active hair growth and strengthening. Cutting your hair on this day can enhance not only its appearance but also your general health, given that hair reflects your inner well-being. This day is also ideal for launching new ventures and initiatives, making changes in your appearance a symbolic start of a new chapter in your life.

First Quarter

During the first quarter of the lunar cycle, there is an enhanced burden on hair roots, which can cause them to weaken and shed excessively. Haircuts in this period could lead to undesirable outcomes like reduced hair growth and finer hair strands. Rather than cutting, consider enhancing hair resilience with growth serums and scalp massages.


Monday is widely regarded as the day for fresh starts and new projects. According to the lunar hair cutting calendar, it's an auspicious day for a new haircut that can transform your image. A haircut on this day is believed to inject vitality and dynamism into your life, helping to clear out redundant energy and refresh your mindset. The moon's energy on Monday enhances hair growth and strength, ensuring that the benefits of your haircut are long-lasting and positively impactful.

August 13, 2024 is a Bad Day to Cut Your Hair