Washington DC (GMT-4)
Moon phase today:
Waning Gibbous
Lunar day today:
17rd lunar day until 19:42
18rd lunar day from 19:42
Zodiac Sign:
Moon Illumination:
95% at noon
19 october 2024
Moonset: 10:06 ↓
Moonrise: 19:42 ↑

Moon Phase Today

The Moon's current phase for today is a Waning Gibbous.

The Third Lunar Phase covers the period from the Full Moon to the start of the Fourth Quarter. The Full Moon marks the peak of accumulated life and psychic energy, which then gradually begins to diminish. During this phase, activity decreases, and there are frequent changes in moods, ideas, and judgments. The energy and strength gathered from the past phases are now directed towards implementing plans. The initial results of previous efforts start to become apparent during this time. Mood swings can affect both business and personal spheres. This is a great time for shedding old habits and trying new things. In relationships, this phase fosters closeness and heightened romance. The Third Phase is perfect for self-development, self-improvement, and creativity.

The disseminating moon phase doesn't pose clear drawbacks for haircuts, but recognizing its unique features is crucial. Haircuts during this period might not encourage quick hair growth, which is beneficial for those wanting to extend the lifespan of their haircut's shape. This is particularly advantageous for trimming bangs, ensuring they remain at an ideal length and shape longer. Additionally, this phase is excellent for making small adjustments to hairstyles, ensuring the longevity of the desired look. For details check Lunar Haircut Calendar

Lunar Day Today

On the seventeenth day of the lunar calendar, there is a profound sense of joy and inner freedom. This day is perfect for weddings, feeling liberated, and channeling sexual energy in a positive way. It’s a time to fully enjoy the beauty of life and deepen personal relationships, creating a day rich in happiness and satisfaction.

The seventeenth lunar day is generally seen as inauspicious for haircuts, as it might result in weakened hair structure and deteriorated general health. The day's energies can cause a decrease in vitality and energy, negatively affecting your looks and well-being. On this day, it is better to avoid haircuts and instead concentrate on hair care and personal hygiene, along with bolstering your health through good nutrition and relaxation. For details check Lunar Haircut Calendar

Moon Sign Today

Today the Moon is in Gemini.

During the Moon's transit through Gemini, the atmosphere is ripe for swift and energetic undertakings. Increased impulsiveness means it's best to tackle tasks that require minimal concentration and time. Heightened intellectual activity aids in tasks needing quick decisions or information gathering. This period is ideal for financial transactions or trading in securities, especially short-term ones. Playing on the currency exchange market can also be beneficial. It's a good time to defend theses, dissertations, or collect information for their writing. The inclination to switch between activities frequently does not support meticulous work that demands full attention, so it's wise to defer long-term projects until a more favorable period.

The presence of the Moon in Gemini introduces uncertainty into hair styling outcomes. As an air sign known for its variability, Gemini can lead to a wide range of effects during haircuts. You might find yourself inspired by new ideas, yet equally, there could be unanticipated results that may not meet your expectations. In these instances, it is prudent to opt for minimal changes to your hairstyle or wait until the Moon moves into a more stable sign. Should you choose to proceed with a more significant transformation, approach with a well-thought-out plan and readiness for any eventuality. For details check Lunar Haircut Calendar

Saturday in the Lunar Calendar

Saturday, influenced by Saturn, a planet with intense and heavy energy, is best for work and education. This day is perfect for dealing with the tasks that have built up over the week and making plans for the future, metaphorically untangling the knots. Plans and budgets made on Saturday are usually successful. It's recommended to hold business meetings on Saturday and not to delay them until Sunday.

Saturday, being a day for relaxation and rejuvenation, is perfect for a haircut that can help you decompress from the week's demands, according to the lunar hair cutting calendar. Opting for a new style on this day not only refreshes your appearance but also enhances your inner peace and satisfaction, setting a positive tone for the week ahead and fostering personal growth. For details check Lunar Haircut Calendar